The International Institute for
Dreaming and Imagery®
Identify patterns and blocks in your life and learn practical tools for overcoming them.
Convert emotional reactions into positive, creative responses.
Access your own inner truth, and learn to make clear decisions.
Our work is different, and deep.
Open your world to vibrancy and meaning, and find true purpose in your life.
Identify and Overcome Your Inner Blocks
Discover you have all the tools you need, inside you, to solve your own problems.
Start dreaming with a Beginner Dream Class.
Discover Your Great Dream of Self
Reset your inner compass and get back on track.
Learn how to look inside and access your True You with an Imagery Class.
Build Personal Empowerment
Identify your blocks and how to get over them to bring out true strength.
Focus your journey with the Life Plan Class.
Find Meaning and Purpose
Recapture the thread of your life and the passion that fuels it.
Deepen your journey with Dreaming and Imagery Classes.
Upcoming Events
Bonnie’s classes on dreams and imagery work are life changing and profound; this work is integral to my daily living and lifestyle.
This work unlocks possibility and potential in ways few other modalities I know of can.
The imagery exercises have helped me significantly in reducing anxiety, stress and more importantly just clearing my mind. I recommend it to anyone who wishes to increase their overall wellbeing.